Most important Information and Live Updates
1. get to the Heidelberg Main Train Station
2. go to the station „Heidelberg Hauptbahnhof West“, which is at the left of the Central Station’s main entrance.
From there you can take Line 32 (Direction „Neuenheim“) until the stop „Jugendherberge“ (Youth Hostel). You can purchase your tickets directly in the bus or at the ticket machine at the bus station.
Off course you can also walk the way from the train station to the youth hostel (Adress: Tiergartenstraße 5, 69120 Heidelberg)
3. Check-In Youth Hostel at the reception
4. Get together at the foyer of the youth hostel
- bed-sheets will be provided by the hostel and are included for you. Towels can be borrowed at the reception for 2€ .
- Please bring your cups and bottles (from your goodie bag) to all food related activities – because environment and all that… 😉
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City Tour: Meeting Point „Kornmarkt“ 11:30
In case you get lost during the city tour, we meet 11:30 at the „Kornmarkt“ (Google Maps: Kornmarkt, 69117 Heidelberg)
Friday: Lunch also available 12:00 at Krehl-Klinik
For all those who aren’t going on the city tour, lunch is also available 12:00 at the Krehl-Klinik.
EVP: Please bring your cups!!!
How to: Partying at the Krehl-Klinik – without making enemies!
Since the Krehl-Klinik is a hospital above all, we will have to follow some round rules, using the foyer for our events like EVP or food:
- please don´t throw your cigarettes on the ground, there are trash cans ( smoking is unhealthy anyway ;))
- please don´t leave your empty bottles standing around, but bring them bacxk to the bar
Thank you! 🙂
How to: Staying at the Youth Hostel – without making enemies!
Here are some reminders on how to behave at the youth hostel:
1. First of all everything has to be more quiet after 11pm. There are other guests, who are staying at the youth hostel as well. Which means for you to make sure to lower your voices and not to slam the doors after 11pm.
2. Secondly your room cards have a paper case, which has your room number on it. Please hold on to that case so the front desk can match your key card with your room.
3. Thirdly the youth hostel is a hostel and NOT a hotel. Which means that after breakfast it is your responsibility as a guest to clean up after yourself. There are signs which will tell you what to you have to do with your plate after you finished breakfast.
4. Lastly please make sure to put the sheets on your bed. They were laying on the bed for you to put them on when you arrived. If you don’t put them on by tomorrow morning the youth hostel will charge you 10€ for cleaning. This means that you won’t get back your whole hostel deposit.
Friday: Sightseeing & City Tour Heidelberg – 9:00 at the Youth Hostel!
Meeting for the City Tour tomorrow at 9:00 in front of the Youth Hostel!
Responsible usage of the buffet
Dear Participants,
We are very happy you like how nice our food team is preparing he meals. We can totally understand that this is giving you a hard time to choose from the buffet.
But please be aware that we have to throw away any food that is not eaten of the plates.
That makes our food team very, very sad!!! And they get mean when they are sad, and believe me, nobody wants that!
So please only put as much on one plate as you want to eat.
Don´t worry you won´t be starving because there is no food left after the first buffet round 😉
Important Documents
Euromeds Spring Assembly 19
Social Events & Dresscode Manual
SA19 Session's Overview
SA19 Session Participant Lists
Greetings and Welcomes
- EMSA President Tugce CETIN
- VP of Capacity Ece Çalışan
- OC President
- Jens Spahn - Federal Minister of Health
Dear EMSA Family,
It is my great pleasure to welcome you to EMSA Spring Assembly 2019 in Heidelberg, Germany! For many months now, the Organizing Committee of EMSA Heidelberg has shown a great dedication, and have produced a great work so far in assembly preparations. I would like to take a moment to share my gratitude to our Organizing Committee for their efforts in making this assembly!
The world we are in is becoming more fluid, and interconnected each day, and this trend of movement is predicted to be increasing even more in the future. In the information era, the barriers between borders are getting more blurred as more and more opportunities arise across countries for medical practitioners. This change comes with its positives and negatives.
Considering this in mind, the theme of this assembly has been chosen as ‘Medical Mobility and Migration’. As future health professionals, we will be gathering together this spring in Heidelberg in order to discuss, share experiences, give input, and analyse all aspects of Medical Mobility, and its outcomes. This assembly, through the comprehensive educational programme, we will acquire a comprehensive outlook to the Medical Mobility and Migration.
With hundreds of participants from numerous countries across Europe, this assembly is the perfect environment for these discussions, and an opportunity to meet, discuss, share, and form lasting friendships with medical students across Europe. We should cherish these moments, and return home with new ideas, and to bring our continent more closer together.
Therefore, you are cordially invited to attend the assembly in a meaningful way to all the proceedings of this assembly. Let’s use this environment towards our vision of bringing Health and Europe together!
I wish you safe travels to Heidelberg, and until then, keep the Blue spirit high!
EMSA President 2018-2019
Dear EMSAi,
On behalf of the EMSA European Board as well as the Department of Capacity I am honored to welcome you to EMSA Spring Assembly 2019. I would like to start by giving my special thanks to the Organising Committee of EMSA Heidelberg for their months long efforts to make this event splendid, memorable and outstanding. For those who will be attending their first assembly:
Welcome to the beginning of a long journey that will contribute to you as a person for years to come! Come as guests and leave as friends. And for those who will be reuniting: I can sense your excitement to witness the blue spirit once more!
Between the 24th and 29th of April, our assembly will take place with the theme of Medical Mobility and Migration. A unique symposium will be highlighting the effects of the movement of physicians and patients across the continent and the globe on quality of healthcare given and received.
An outstanding symposium and helping you establish useful connections and life long friendships are not the only goals of the Spring Assembly. By providing this extensive workshops and trainings you will be able to build more soft and hard skills that are specially designed to help you during your future career. EMSA General Assemblies are the highest decision making body of our non governmental organization. During plenaries, decisions that will shape EMSA’s future will be made by representatives of Faculty Member Organizations. Elections on the Executive Board will take place. Policy papers will be voted upon. Twinning and Events Fair, Poster Case Presentations, National Coordinators’ and Local Coordinators’ meetings will also take place.
Spring Assembly 2019 Heidelberg, will be a passionate event immersed in Blue Spirit of EMSA that will bring Health & Europe Together.
I wish you all safe travels to Heidelberg, and see you soon! #SAinHD
Ece Çalışan
Vice President of Capacity 2018-2019
Welcome to Heidelberg!
First of all we – the organising committee – want to thank you all for trusting Heidelberg to host this year’s Spring Assembly of EMSA Europe and welcome you into our city.
As this booklet is created, planning on almost all topics is already on full speed mode. We are all extremely enthusiastic about your visit and the amazing time we will spend together.
We invite you all to discuss this SA’s topic “Medical Migration and Mobility” with each other and our invited experts, looking forward to exchange and learn about this very current European topic. We will also have plenty of time to get to know each other and share views and opinions as students, future doctors and Europeans.
Since we promised you the Heidelberg experience in maximum resolution – #SA19inHD – we did not only prepare educational workshops and discussions for you, but also an amazing social programme. You might have noticed, that Heidelberg tends to brag about its enormous and romantic castle… – as you know, people tend to exaggerate when it comes to those features, but we swear we don’t! Anyways, of course we didn’t shy away from any hard work to be able to live up to your expectations. So we hope you get as excited…
…as we already are!
Once again:
Welcome and enjoy your stay ; )
Sebastian Romann
OC President
Getting to Heidelberg
Heidelberg is located in the south-west Germany and is the fifth-largest city in the German state of Baden-Württemberg.
The nearest airports are „Flughafen Stuttgart“ (STR) and „Flughafen Frankfurt am Main“ (FRA).
From there you can easily get to Heidelberg by train or bus. This will take you about 1.5 hours from Frankfurt or 2.5 hours from Stuttgart to arrive at the Heidelberg Central Station.
To get to your Youth Hostel and the campus in general, which is called “Neuenheimer Feld – or short INF” you will need 10 minutes by bus. The bus station „Heidelberg Hauptbahnhof West“ is at the left of the Central Station’s main entrance. From there you can take Line 32 (Direction „Neuenheim“), which will take you directly to the stop „Jugendherberge“ (Youth Hostel). You can purchase your tickets directly in the bus or at the ticket machine at the bus station.
During the Assembly
From your Youth Hostel to the Krehl– and Kopfklinik, where our Assembly is going to take place, you will need less than 10 minutes walking. For bigger distances we are looking forward to organise a shuttle service for you.
If you want to visit our beautiful old town on your own, you can easily get there by bus. Next to the youth hostel you will find the bus stop „Jugendherberge“, from where you can take the line 32 every 10 minutes. The bus will bring you to the stop „Bismarckplatz“ in 12 minutes. From there you will be directly at the beginning of the „Hauptstraße“, our pedestrian area.
All relevant locations can be found on the map below. You can also navigate there by using Google Maps, just enter „INF + [the number assigned to the building]“ (for example INF 410 for Krehlklinik).
The walking times are calculated from the youth hostel. Please plan to arrive with 5 minutes to spare.
Krehlklinik – INF 410
10 min walk.
Clinic for Internal Medicine containing a lecture hall and several seminary rooms. The seminar rooms are found adjacent to the entrance hall, the lecture hall is straight ahead.
Kopfklinik – INF 400
10 min walk.
Here you find the main auditorium where the plenarys will take place. Just next to it there are two more seminary rooms.
Marsilius-Arkaden – INF 130
15 min walk.
The Arcades are actually three unmistakably large towers (INF 130.1, 130.2, 130.3) which overlook the river Neckar. There you find – you guessed it – more seminary rooms. Meeting point is in front of the three towers (or in case of rain in INF 130.3).
Theoretikum – INF 307
15 min walk.
Two workshops will take place here: „Anatomy combined with Radiology“ (Fri, Sat, Sun) and „Diabetes – Hands on and Lecture“ (Fri). Meet the tutors/the OC in front of INF 307 just next to the blue sculptures (see picture).
Surgical Clinic – INF 110
20 min walk.
Follow the signs to „Chir. Klinik“. Meet the OC at the bus stop „Chirurgische Klinik Ambulanz“ right in front of the main entrance of the surgical clinic.

Logistics Heidelberg Overview
The main part of the Assembly will take place in our campus called “Im Neuenheimer Feld (INF)”. The campus is located directly at the bank of the Neckar, the river which flows through the city.
You can find most of the buildings of the University Hospital, the faculty of medicine and that of many other scientific faculties like Biochemistry or Physics here.
We will be using a lot of different seminar rooms and lecture theatres from the hospital for our assembly. Thus, you will have a lot of opportunities to explore the clinics as well.
Furthermore a lot of external research facilities are located on campus. If you were to take a walk on the grounds, you can discover famous institutions like the “German Research Centre on Cancer” (DKFZ) or the “Max Planck Institute for Medical research”.
Housing for all the delegates will be provided in a modern youth hostel (Adress: Tiergartenstraße 5, 69120 Heidelberg) right next to the campus. That way you can fall right out of your bed and land right on campus. Especially for our early events this will probably turn out to be pretty useful.
Please note:
- bed-sheets will be provided by the hostel and are included for you. Towels can be borrowed at the reception for 2€
- you can borrow a blow dryer for a deposit of 5€ (not many blowdryers availabel!)
As you might have noticed the “Neuenheimer Feld” is a very green campus. So in order to complete that image we wouldn’t dare to keep you from the Zoo and the botanical garden, which you can explore in your free time since they are conveniently located just off-campus.
So maybe, if you are lucky, instead of the classic rooster you can hear the lions roar in the morning ?.

EMSA Heidelberg e.V. is a non-profit organisation closely collaborating with the medical studentbody, the “Fachschaft Medizin Heidelberg”. Jointly, we represent the interests of about 4000 medical students in Heidelberg and oversee the work of more than 25 working groups.
These groups cover a large range of topics, concerning issues of public health, the organisation of student exchanges or the planning of our next faculty party – most students are active in at least one group.
In our workshops and during the social programme at the assembly you will get the chance to get to know some of those groups – or as we call them: “Arbeitskreise”,(“work circles”).
The group “Wissenshunger” (“hungry for knowledge”) for example, aims to raise secondary school kids’ awareness for healthy nutrition. In small groups our students organise a school lesson, where they explain basic physiology of digestion, talk about eating habits and even do some cooking.
Another students‘ favorite is the group „Mit Sicherheit verliebt” („Safely in Love” or “In Love for sure”) which a lot of you have established at your faculties, too. Their main goal is to help students in grades 6 to 10 to develop a healthy relation to their sexuality by providing age appropriate sex education on the base of modern medical findings.
Furthermore there is the “AK HEIIM” (“Home”) which helps international students to integrate into student life in Heidelberg.
These are just a few examples of the numerous groups Heidelberg’s med students can join. As you can see, we love to engage in current issues within our faculty, the town and beyond. We are looking forward to sharing this with you.